../home current status:
[ external:/github.com/akrossu ]

> Where you can find all of my public coding projects

personal website


> personal/portfolio website.

[ github:/akrossu.github.io ]
svelte svelte
tailwindcss tailwindcss
javascript javascript
glsl glsl
discord theme

Simple and Clean

> A discord theme that takes advantage of the full app area.

[ github:/simpleandclean ]
css css
Kumiko discord bot

Kumiko Discord App

> An anime discord bot; without command bloat!

live website: [ external:/kumiko.app ]

github repository: [ github:/kumiko-discord-bot ]

javascript javascript
taki my anime list api wrapper


> A Client Authorized My Anime List API Wrapper

[ github:/Taki-MAL-API-Wrapper ]
javascript javascript