../home current status:

> About the name.. it's confusing! I webmaster's name is Zach, but i often go by akross online- wait, but this website is also titled project akross. So which is which? It's a culmination of both a first- and third-person collective somehow!

> if you're interested in the reasoning, vist [ akross:/lore ]!

> since 2015 these are some of the skills I've built up being a solo developer

// languages:

java java
html html
css css
javascript javascript
c++ c++

// frameworks:

spring spring
node.js node.js
svelte svelte
tailwind css tailwind css
bootstrap bootstrap
sass sass
electron electron

// databases:

postgresql postgresql
mongodb mongodb

// build tools:

gradle gradle
maven maven
jenkins jenkins

> some of the projects i've used these technologies in can be found in [ akross@:/code ].


// Criterion Systems - summer 2022 back-end developer internship

> Worked with the USDA Forest Department to provide accurate forecast observations.

// responsibilities:

> Processing and programmatic management of data through AWS buckets.

> Refactored SQL queries performed with Hibernate to connect with PostgreSQL.

> Provided extensive Unit Tests along with Mock and end-to-end testing.

// Technologies:

java java
postgresql postgresql
junit junit
hibernate hibernate


// Criterion Systems - Group Collaboration Project

> Criterion Interns Group Collaboration

// responsibilities:

> develop a conceptual, contract data-backup service that would be provided to Government agencies.

> Responsible for presenting to a board of senior representatives with real-world standards and expectations.


// Bachelor of Computer Science, George Mason University ( 2024 - current )

// Associate of Computer Science, Northern Virginia Community College ( 2019 - 2023 )

// responsibilities:

> Primary focus on software development and operations in Java.

> Assisted in the analysis of Discrete Structures.

// Gar-Field senior high school ( Graduated 2019 )

// responsibilities:

> Presidential Award for Academic Achievement.

> Gar-Field Outstanding Academic Award.

> Gar-Field Excellency Award in Computer Programming.